
33 кошки и собаки, которые больше не хотят никого видеть

33 кошки и собаки, которые больше не хотят никого видеть

Вот и пришла нежданно осень. Время года, которое на многих нагоняет печаль, тоску и меланхолию. Оказывается осенней хандре  подвластны не только люди, но и животные. Представляем Вашему вниманию подборку фотографий котов и собак, которые печальны как ни кто.

This dog who doesn't know what he's doing with the rest of his life. This cat who doesn't understand why her boyfriend never texts her first.This cat who doesn't know if his "friends" are actually his real friends. This cat who's worried he wears sweatpants too many days every week.

Картинки по запросу кот который не хочет идти гулять

This cat who thinks adult life is getting too complicated.

This dog who feels like his fashion choices are misunderstood. This dog who is worried he's taken on too much at work. This dog who just wants to fit in. This dog. This cat who thinks everyone is probably laughing at him. This cat who wonders if he'll ever find love. This cat who's not sure he likes what he's becoming. This cat who remembered something embarrassing she said that one time. This dog.

Картинки по запросу лайка которая не хочет идти гулять

This cat who wonders why she's stuck watching "Homeland" by herself every Sunday.

This dog who doesn't want to go to work because his co-workers don't appreciate him. This dog who thinks maybe everybody else should just stop for a second. This dog who just wants to enjoy the occasional recreational adult beverage. This gay cat who just wants to be his fabulous self. This cat who wonders if her face is always going to be like this. This dog who thinks maybe he should have ordered a small Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard instead of a large.

33 Dogs And Cats That Just Don't Know Anymore

This cat who thinks maybe everybody's lying to him about how good his new jeans look. This dog who's worried he's wasting too much time watching his stories. This dog.

This cat who worries that people will think he's "too unique" and stop being his friend.

This dog who's pretty sure his roommates talk about how weird he is when he's not home. This cat who thinks he's probably gonna get fired tomorrow. 33 Dogs And Cats That Just Don't Know Anymore

33 кошки и собаки, которые больше не хотят никого видеть